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At Hampton Vale Primary Academy we recognise the importance of a reward system for children who show exceptional achievement, as well as for displaying positive behaviours. Pupils can earn individual recognition and rewards, as well as rewards for their house. 

The whole school is divided into 3 houses: Galactic, Cosmic and Astral. Each class within a year group is assigned one of the houses and the class will remain in the same house for the duration of their time in school.




Galactic House

London (R), Berlin (1), Dublin (2), Prague (3), New Delhi (4), Cairo (5), Yr6B


Cosmic House

Cardiff (R), Paris (1), Rome (2), Athens (3), Beijing (4), Brasilia (5), Yr6A


Astral House

Edinburgh (R), Madrid (1), Lisbon (2), Copenhagen (3), Tokyo (4), Cape Town (5), Yr6C


House Rewards

Pupils can earn ‘tokens’ for their house which count towards a grand total at the end of the year. House tokens are awarded to pupils for showing greater personal effort and achievement within all aspects of their school life. House points can also be awarded to each house’s running total for events such as Sports Day.

After a house token has been awarded to a pupil they deposit it in a centralised container for their phase. Tokens are counted at the end of each term and added to the running total.

Gold tokens (worth 5 tokens) are awarded by the Senior Leadership Team to pupils who show exceptional effort or academic achievement.

Classes can also earn tokens for achieving 100% daily attendance, as well as 100% correct P.E. kit per class.


Individual Awards

In addition to house rewards, pupils can also earn individual rewards for personal recognition of their achievements. 

Teacher and Senior Leader Postcards:

At any point teachers and senior leaders can send home postcards to communicate to parents and families about a pupil’s significant achievement. 

Star of the Week:

Each week class teachers will award a star of the week certificate to a pupil in the class to recognise sustained personal effort and achievement over the course of the week. 

Half Term Assembly:

At the end of a half term Assistant Headteachers will lead an assembly where one pupil from each class will be awarded a star pin and certificate for sustained effort over the half term. The star pin can then be worn on a child’s uniform everyday. If a pupil is awarded a star pin more than once during their time at Hampton Vale, they will be awarded the pins as follows:

  1. First pin award - bronze star pin awarded
  2. Second pin award - silver star pin award
  3. Third pin award - gold star pin award

End of Term Assembly:

At the end of each autumn, spring and summer term Assistant Headteachers will hold a celebration assembly whereby all children with 100% attendance will be given an individual certificate. Within this assembly Assistant Headteachers will award three pupils from each class with a pin badge and certificate for:

  1. Highest attainment
  2. Best effort
  3. Being a positive role model to others