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Core Subjects

The core curriculum sits within the entirety of our educational offer whilst feeding in, and from, other subjects.

The DfE (2014) describe 'confidence in mathematical knowledge and skills to be the precondition of success across the national curriculum'; that 'fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for all success in all subjects'; and that 'pupils acquisition and command of vocabulary are key to their learning and progress across the whole curriculum'.

The importance for all pupils to achieve mastery and fluency across the core curriculum is evidently essential and therefore becomes our main goal to ensure all children leave Hampton Vale with the necessary requisites for future success, becoming successful, responsible and empathetic citizens.

Our Teaching and Learning pedagogy informs all of our curriculum designs and implementation to help align and excel each area, both in its own subject right but also holistically for every child. Subject leads meet regularly to discuss their current findings (curriculum successes, priorities and next steps), ideas and research that may support other subjects whilst welcoming feedback to ensure a balance of perspectives from different expertise along with their own achieve a state of equilibrium when triangulating information, which in turn, increase validity in their decision-making.

From these robust measures of implementations and impact review, the children benefit from a bespoke, ambitious, innovative, well-structured and high-quality interwoven curriculum design that aims to bolster the building and strengthen of schema for long term memory.