If your child is ill or absent for other reasons, please ring the school before 8:30am in the morning so that registers will be marked appropriately. If you fail to do so you will be called by our school office.
You can also report an absence by emailing
Parents can view their child's attendance via the My Child At School (MCAS) app. Please email for details on how to set up your account.
To view our Attendance policy, please find the policy below or go to the policies' page of our website.
Why is attendance important?
Regular school attendance is an important part of giving children the best possible start in life. Children only get one chance at school and your child's future may be affected by not attending school regularly.
What is the impact of missing school?
- Children who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and may not perform as well in their SATs/Exams.
- Missing school regularly can make your child struggle to keep up with school work.
- Children also miss out on the social side of school life. Poor attendance can affect children's ability to make and keep friendships; a vital part of growing up.
Children who miss the morning or the afternoon register will receive a late mark. We encourage the children to be punctual to ensure a happy and calm start to the day and so that learning time is not missed.
Absence and lateness are reviewed on a regular basis by a member of our Attendance and Admissions Officer. The responsible staff member may contact families where attendance is poor, or you may be called in for an attendance meeting. Our best learners attend every day and are on time!
Please make sure you are on time to collect your child/ren. If you are going to be late then please make sure you ring the school office to notify them on 01733 247000.
Parents can view their child's attendance via the My Child At School (MCAS) app. Please email for details on how to set up your account.